Your Professional Childcare Cleaning Services Provider

From shopping malls, office spaces, movie theaters, hospitals to childcare facility cleaning; Cipher Solutions is your one stop for all your needs for Commercial Cleaning Services in Sydney.

Have you ever wondered why Childcare facilities are the second most trusted spaces after healthcare services providers?

“It takes a big heart to help shape little minds”

Childcares and preschools share the absolute enriching experiences for staff, kids, and guardians, but on the other hand are liable for the well being and prosperity of the youngest clients. Close to clinics and healthcare service provides, childcares are entrusted with the most delicate and sensitive of clients and have to have their spaces kept up with in like manner to ensure the security and safety of the kids in their consideration.

In any case, the utilization of cruel cleaning synthetic substances in a childcare or preschool office can meaningfully affect a kid's improvement as though the office was messy. Cipher Solutions is glad to offer their total green cleaning administrations as a norm; consolidating our full line of marked, Certified cleaning synthetic substances and cutting edge tech solutions to give your childcare or preschool the greatest degree of clean without leaving the buildup or scents of cruel poisons and VOCs

Why professional childcare cleaning services?


In house help might not understand the importance of deep clean of frequent touched surfaces that trigger infections. You definitely need a professional service provider for maintaining your childcare facility. Listed below are the reasons;

1.       Focus on Details

Attention to detail is the priority of clientele. If a corner is left untouched, the whole cleaning is in vein. Washrooms, Furniture, Playrooms, Storage spaces, kitchen, floors, doors and toys; everything is paid attention to.

2.       Health is the priority

This is Cipher Solutions priority; to keep children safe. Our cleaning focuses on using non-hazardous and environment friendly products. We understand that childcares are high risk areas and need utmost care and hence provide tailor made solutions to our clients.

3.       Compliance

An expert team will deep clean your Childcare Space as well as guarantee you the best in class services in line with the compliance standards.


4.       Consistent Cleaning

A childcare should be carefully and consistently cleaned or it can immediately turn into a risk for children. Kids can be a carrier of huge number of microbes and diseases that should be killed prior to spreading to other people. An expert cleaning administration will guarantee that all areas are completely cleaned and disinfected while utilizing the most secure arrangements.

Proficient cleaning organizations have the adaptability to plan support in the night-time and during the day.

We at Cipher Solutions provide best in town Childcare Cleaning Services in Sydney with bespoke solutions for our clientele. 


